
February will be cold; hopefully, it will not snow that much while in the field. It will begin with land navigation in fire teams. It will be an excellent time to get to work the kinks out and get a good pace count. You will be able to get a pace count on flat and uneven terrain. I also suggest getting one while running; you may find yourself running later in the course. Night land navigation will suck, sorry! Land Navigation I and Night Land Navigation II will be by yourself. It snowed during the day event last year, and it challenged a large population of Marines.

FEX 0 will be cold and wet. There may be a wet to dry exercise during this time. I will let you be surprised and spare the details. The 3-mile tactical movement will be the first hike of WOBC, and it will probably be the most leisurely hike of the course and will be less hilly. Remember that everything you take to the field will be carried on the hike.

The Lamp Lighting Ceremony is fun and a break. It’s a tradition.

There is a lot of classroom time during February as well. Take coffee and take notes as needed. Many used this time also to create study guides during the classes.

Rifle Ranges 3-6 is a field event. It is a good time if you like shooting and have never shot these tables before. However, check the weather and pack accordingly. You will likely hike to the range as soon as you get there and downgrade, change over to dry clothes. Trust me! Also, be prepared to hurry up and wait, this is a Marine Corps range, and everyone will have to BZO before anything. Then they have to put 300 students through a course of fire during the day and night. The scores don’t mean anything either towards your GPA, just some bragging rights.

Squad Fex

Finding a Place to Sleep

Wet to Dry Exercise Location...........