Leadership Billets, FEX, and PEX

Terrain Model Kits and Patrol Orders

Build Terrain Model Kits as a team. If the squad coordinates properly you can make two or three kits in a couple of hours early in the course and should be good for the duration. I recommend one per fire team, this will allow one for briefing and one for the prep and a backup.

Take your time when briefing, it is graded. The key to briefing your patrol orders is practice. Practice with your roommate and take constructive criticisms.

Leadership Billets

Rule number one, try to be a good dude. Leadership billets rotate and you could an asshole billet holder one day and the next week, you won't have any leadership responsibilities. Tempers are a thing and WOBC will test your patience.

Whoever gets to be the first billet holder, good luck. The first three weeks are rough until you get your feet under you. Remember everyone there are your peers, even if you are a 1stSgt when you check-in, on the first of February, everyone will be the same rank.