By the time March begins, you will have a solid opinion about WOBC. I am not here to say anything but that I understand and all that went before you know how you feel right now—so moving on.
FEX I/Scouting and Patrolling is another field event. Lean on the Gunners; they will have the most experience in these matters. Before this event, get a good Squad SOP and terrain model kits. These are long physical days. Write good orders and have good CASEVAC plans.
Squad live fire (R5) and CFF (R7) are not bad events. However, the last two WOBCs experienced fires during these events, so plan for some downtime.
There will be the Phase II written exam and Mid Performance Exam this month. Some advice would be to waterproof your study guides and take them to the field with you. There will be plenty of downtime to study.
Good luck with the final land navigation events!