Physical Fitness Prep and Events

Physical Fitness Preparation

Physical Fitness

The first thing you need to do is remember your age. Most of us are not in our 20s, so rest and stretching are necessary. If you are not familiar with wearing a complete battle kit, start doing it now. Walk with it, PT with it, and a kevlar is possible; you will thank me later. Additionally, break-in boots, if possible, by doing a few hikes before WOBC.

There are six physical events that you must pass to graduate from WOBC.

Initial PFT. You are required to get a first-class PFT. Look in the mirror; if you are close, hit the pavement now. This is a standard PFT, and here is guidance from the two previous WOBCs. One PFT had FFIs, and you had to have your stuff tight. Last year, FFIs were unavailable, but you still had to run a tight PFT. Bottom line, if you are close, in the 240 range, now is the time to practice.

Endurance Course with single O Course. Strap up on this life-changing event, 5.2 miles through the hillside of TBS with gear. Be careful on the E-Course; Marines in the last two classes got hurt and had to come home. Enough said.

10-mile hike- This is a standard hike at the TBS typical pace. You will find out what "typical" is.

Double O Course- Practice makes perfect. Gloves can help navigate the slippery rope.

Land Navigation- You will have to pass final day and night navigation. Words cannot express or explain these emotional events. Good luck.

Final PFT- This will be an easy morning by the time you get here.


Physical Fitness Tests

Initial PFT. You are required to get a first-class PFT (235). Look in the mirror; if you are close, hit the pavement now. This is a standard PFT, and here is guidance from the two previous WOBCs. One PFT had FFIs, and you had to have your stuff tight. Last year, FFIs were unavailable, but you still had to run a tight PFT. Bottom line, if you are close, in the 240 range, now is the time to practice. This is the last time you will wear running shoes for PT; everything after this point is in boots.

Final PFT. This will be the easiest PFT you will ever run. Your legs are stronger, and three miles will seem very short. Everyone in the course will run this faster without even trying. However, make sure you practice pull-ups.

PFT Course

Obstacle Course

The Double Obstacle Course sucks, but not as much as the endurance course. You should be good, just practice the ropes and the first set of bars. The people who fail this event fail at the bars and ropes. The ropes are slippery, so if you are having trouble try using gloves. Easy day!

Endurance Course

The Endurance Course is approximately 5.2 miles long, and you will run the O course as part of your time. It will be muddy, and it does not matter when you run it; there will be mud somewhere on the course. Follow the packing list, and whatever you do, do not stop moving. You will have time on weekends to practice, but you also run a real risk of getting hurt while you practice. Most Warrant Officers will practice running in boots on the PFT course and run 5 miles to build their endurance.

You will also get wet, and it will be very cold. Just suck it up and get through it. If you fail, you will have to run the course until you pass, and it is a graduation requirement. Males have to run it in 80 minutes and females in 90 minutes.

5, 7, and 10 Mile Hikes

Use the 5 and 7 hikes to prepare for the 10 mile humps. The speed is anywhere from 3.2 to 3.4 miles per hour and yes like everything in this course, there will be hills. Try on your packs and walk at least a mile to get comfortable (as much as possible). Attempt to get your shoulder straps in the right position. It will usually be up to your SPC or Company Commander to decide if you will hike wearing your kit or hike with it in your pack.

Land Navigation

Land Navigation could really deserve its own page and to 90 percent of this class, it will be an emotional event.

You will get several days of practice and it will be a PT event depending on what card you draw. Use your practice time wisely, and pass them so you can have weekends off.

Night land navigation will also be an emotional event. Nothing I can type will explain the amount of fun you will have during this course.

The key to both events is to pick great attack points. Going point to point or walking 800 meters through the treeline and semi-mountainous terrain usually does not lead to success.