Phase 1
So I will cover go month by month or phase by phase of what to expect at WOBC, but you will see that the schedule will change with weather or range availability. So stand by to be a little frustrated with the schedule. Additionally, I will attempt to go over the phases with you as well, but it is likely that I will not be entirely accurate.
I already discussed the check-in process. This is the slowest month during WOBC use this time to get supplies and a good schedule established.
Phase 1 begins with the PFT; your time before this point will be to slowest time at TBS. Use "Phase 0" to get all of your ducks in a row.
The inventory PFT is the most critical PFT of your career; if you are regularly above 250, you should have any issues. Practice the running course if you can because either route is very hilly. You will get a few chances to make the mark, but get it the first time and get rest. Yes, a few Marines don't make it past this point and miss the appointment.
Promotion, getting your bars! This usually happens a week after the initial PFT. Enjoy it with your family and friends. Congrats!!! Go see DC and have a good time. You can do your promotion and pinning anywhere you choose. Many people choose the USMC Museum; I did mine in the National Mall in front of MLK; it is your choice.
Phase 1 continues with Double O Course and E-Course orientation. A few Marines did not make it past his point because they got hurt during orientation because of broken bones or other injuries. This is orientation; do not try to impress the SPCs; impress them when you run it for a score. If you do not believe me, there is a chance someone in your course got hurt the year before during the E-Course orientation.
You will probably run your initial Double O course during the first phase. Easy day! Practice when you can. Ropes are slippery, do not be afraid to use gloves, garden gloves work best...... I know but they work. This is a graded event that will be replaced by your final Double O Course
Phase One will also introduce you to The Basic School treeline. Land navigation is an emotional event for most warrant officers. Practice
The Phase ends with the Phase I Written Exam. Study and you should have an easy day.